Decades Matrix

Fair Use Statement

Fair use refers to the right to reproduce, use and share copyrighted works of cultural production without direct permission from or payment to the original copyright holders. It is a designation that is assigned to projects that use copyrighted materials for purposes that include research, criticism, news reporting and teaching. When a project is protected under fair use provisions, the producers of that project are not subject to sanctions related to copyright infringement.

This website may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright holders. The material is made available on this website as a way to advance research and teaching related to history. By presenting history in an innovative, interactive format, Decades Matrix creates an educational use of copyrighted media. There is no reason to believe that the featured media will in any way negatively affect the market value of the copyrighted works. For these reasons, we believe that the website is clearly covered under current fair use copyright laws.

We do not support any actions in which the materials on this site are used for purposes that extend beyond fair use.

For additional information on copyright law and fair use, please visit